Sunday, December 30, 2018

Westlows Aeration. (21/11/2018)

I think everyone would agree that 2018 was an exceptional year with high temperatures prevailing for many weeks, making fishing of any kind difficult if not impossible throughout the summer!
So at Westlow Mere we have taken the decision to undertake  a major development and implement Aerators into the deeps.   We have installed 3 compressors which will feed  air through a network of pipes around the site, this air is fed through diffusers in 9 positions in the lake,  bubbles lift water from the bottom of the lake to the surface where it absorbs oxygen, this process also mixes the warmer water at the surface with the colder water from the lake bed, by constantly turning the water over in this way we create a better overall oxygen level and a more even temperature, this will not only be beneficial to the fish, but  means more natural food and fish that feed harder and for longer, thus producing better growth rates and better catch rates. .
Another big advantage with this system is it can be used to de-ice the lake in winter.
However, each Angler must play his or her part in maintaining the correct stocking levels for the lake by taking fish, catching good fish means maintaining an excellent environment for fish to thrive.



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